Sunday, November 18, 2007

I hate pimples!

Hello PW,

I'm Sue and I'm 18 years old this year. I was blog hopping from one to another until I stumbled upon yours. So, I thought maybe I could ask for your opinion.

Ever since I reached puberty, I've been struggling with sensitive skin. I used to have lots of acnes and my skin is always oily. Now that I'm older, I am still having frequent breakouts (albeit lesser!) and my skin is still very sensitive.

Over the years, I've tried all sorts of skin care products but to no avail. I've even tried going for facials but my condition worsens. What should I do?


Dear Sue,

Thank you for dropping me an email after visiting this blog. Your email has actually reminded me of my own problem when I was about your age. I did try many different products and also went for facials but nothing worked. I did many self-experiments and I finally managed to control my skin condition. Even though I still get occasional breakouts, I'm happy that I have gained back my self-confidence and I now dare to look at myself in the mirror.

Anyway, maybe you can consider the following ideas:
1) Make an appointment with a gynecologist and get yourself checked. Most acne problems are due to hormonal imbalance. Talk to your doctor about your bad skin condition and ask whether it is ideal to try mild contraceptive pills such as Diane-35 and Mercilon. I took Diane-35 for about 2 years when I was about 17 years old and it worked. However, please take note that some people might be sensitive to such pills. Please get your doctor's advice before you try it!

2) To prevent or lessen inflamed skin, try putting thin slices of cucumber on your face on a daily basis, or at least a few times in a week. It helps to cool down your face and reduce stress to the skin from external factors.

3) Consider using facial scrub at least once a week, followed by a mask. It is recommended that you use clay mask as it helps to absorb facial oil and prevent breakouts. Other than that, mask also helps to reduce blemishes caused by acnes.

4) Use only non-comedogenic cosmetic / make-up products.

5) There should be no direct contact between your hands / fingers to your face. In other words, it is advisable that you let go the habit of resting your arms on the table with your palm supporting your chin. This could encourage unwanted breakouts around the chin area. In short, your hands should not touch any part of your face at any time of the day, except when you wash your face.

6) Drink adequate water, get enough sleep and if possible, exercise.

7) Never skip the common facial regime: Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize.

8) Control food intake. Try to cut down on greasy food.

I have listed some of the ways that you may try to improve your skin condition. I hope they help. Hope your skin condition improves. :)

Take care.

Psychologist Wannabe

Monday, November 12, 2007

When your brain goes blank...

Hello PW,

I feel so down suddenly. This could be due to the stress at work. What can I do to boost my mood/motivation?


Dear Pinky,

Even though you only typed 3 lines, I could feel that you're really out of mood. You did not mention further on what happened. So maybe, I'll just try to give a few suggestions and talk generally on what you should do.

Whatever happened to you at your workplace, take it as the daily challenge. Have you ever asked yourself one thing...Why is it that the big boss is never tired and he/she is always like the father/mother of the organization, taking care of all the "kids"? Well, when we're unhappy at work, we often think of negative things and might even opt to quit/change job. But, why is it that the big boss never quits? Try to think of your situation from a different perspective. You might get the answer.

Anyway, since you didn't provide much info, I'll just stop here for now. Do drop by again if you need someone to talk to. I'll try my best to help. Here are some of the things you can do to lift your mood/motivation:

1) Listen to inspirational songs (You might want to try instrumental type or even gospel music)
2) Exercise (Increased blood circulation helps to cure moodiness)
3) Sing out loud (Singing helps to lift up one's mood)
4) Talk to someone you trust/ understands you.

Take care.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Losing a wallet

Hello PW,

I'm very sad and at the same time frustrated because I lost my wallet this afternoon. I had RM500, a credit card and ATM cards inside. The most important is my Identification Card. What should I do? I have already lodged a police report.

I really don't understand why this happened to me. Is it pure bad luck or is this fated? Please help.


Hello B,

Sorry for what has happened to you. I understand how it feels, especially the hassle you have to go through. But, why keep thinking about something that has already happened? You obviously can't turn back time. If you keep feeling bad or down, you will only make your loved ones or friends worried about you. All you can do is to keep calm and think of the positive side instead.

You asked whether it was just pure bad luck or it is fated. My answer is neither.

I always believe that everything happens for a reason. Whatever the reason may be, try to think of this: "Were you not careful enough until you lost your wallet?" So, the simple yet painful lesson learned is, you will be more careful next time. You won't place so much cash in your wallet anymore. Another thing is, did you realize that your loved ones/friends were so worried when you lost your wallet? So, this is another perspective you should consider thinking. Something bad happened to you, but it has changed your mindset and made you appreciate those who truly care for you.

Again, I'm sorry for the bad news. I hope you do feel better after reading this. Take care...
