Saturday, December 8, 2007

Current job vs. Further studies (Career advancement)

Wow...It's been weeks since I last blogged! Sorry for my absence as I was away on a business trip. Anyway, I received a call from a close friend recently. It must have been very stressful and confusing to be torn between the choice to stay on with your current job or to pursue Masters for future career advancement.

Over the hour long phone conversation, she told me she has not been very satisfied or even happy with her current job. Yes, you read it right! It was just a job to her, not a career anymore. All the while, she had in mind to further studies...but her concerns are when and how? Similar to most of our concerns, she was in doubts as to when is the right time to go ahead with this option and how she can afford this option. Another concern was, is it a right decision to let go of her stable job for an uncertain life of 1-2 years when she pursues Masters?

Here's what I have to say/advice for her:

When you feel less passionate about your current job, or when you start to feel as though you're working for the sake of working and not as a career, perhaps it's time to move ahead with other options. I'm not advising my friend to totally let go of everything (of course she has to consider lots of factors before deciding!) but the thing is, when you no longer have the mood to continue with what you've been doing, you might be screwing up your own performance at work.

So, my advice is...think carefully of what you really want. If this is your dream job, you should think of a way to improve yourself instead. If you find this job getting more and more boring, perhaps it's really time to choose a different path. Once the passion is gone, it is really difficult to force yourself to love something anymore. Think about it...

I left my friend with more questions in brain. I told her to think of all the options she has before we talk about which option to choose. So, we'll be right back. Stay tuned for her decision...and maybe it could be your decision too if you're just like her - stuck between the idea of continuing your current (boring?) job or pursuing career advancement through furthering studies.